Odradek’s Joy by Adam Foulds
Odradek’s Joy is a weekly piece of writing from award-winning novelist and poet Adam Foulds.
Odradek’s Joy centres on discussions of life-enhancing artworks for enjoyment and clarification, with occasional theorising about fiction and poetry. It provides links to wonderful things and much peer-to-peer, you-must-try-this sharing. Lots of music, visual art, literature, film. There is also an unremitting attempt to describe the weather.
I want to build a community of enthusiasm and interest. I want you to join in a conversation.
Free For All
Odradek’s Joy is entirely free to subscribe. Please do subscribe and help me build a refuge, a release, an ideal, multidimensional library, a place you want to be.
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Novelist and poet. Booker Prize finalist, Granta Best of Young British Novelists, E.M. Forster Award, European Union Prize for Literature, translated into a dozen languages and so on. Londoner in Canada.